New Year, New Lifestyle, Brand New You
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.
At this time of year we always get a lot more interest from people in the UK and northern Europe.
It's a combination of the wintery weather kicking in and that a lot of people are looking to change their lifestyle as part of their New Year's resolutions.
And what better way to make that change than to move somewhere with a relaxed lifestyle, healthy way of living and pretty much guaranteed good year round weather?
One of the biggest kicks I get from my job helping people find Spanish homes and make that life changing move is to see the effect it has on those who have taken the leap.
I often keep in touch with people we've helped and seeing the new spring in their step once they've settled into their new lifestyle is fantastic.
It's like someone has flipped a switch within them and the increase in their happiness levels is something they always comment on.
Of course the big factor is the great Spanish weather. Even in winter over here we spend most of our time outdoors.
That could be walking the dog along the beach, having a beer or coffee with friends or simply sitting out on a balcony or terrace watching the world go merrily by.
Everyone who moves here from the UK and colder parts of Europe always enjoys the spontaneity of life in Spain.
Barbecues become off the cuff decisions rather than pre-planned events with one careful eye on the weekend's weather forecasts.
A trip to the beach? For many of the ex-pats that's a part of their daily ritual.
The vast majority of people who make the move recommend it to their friends and family.
And thankfully for us at Premium Spain Homes many of those people recommend us as the agents to trust which is something we are very grateful for and extremely proud of.
Life's too short to delay the things you've always wanted to do. Don't delay happiness.
Wishing you all a happy New Year or as we say in Spain 'Feliz año Nuevo.'
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions about what life's like in Spain, how to book a viewing trip with us or any other matter you need help with please do not hesitate to contact me or my team at anytime.